Overview of LORESCO Earth Contact Backfills


Loresco Backfills for Cathodic Protection

Loresco earth contact backfills are produced exclusively for the corrosion control industry. Each type has been modified to enhance the functionality in relation to its suggested use. The enhancements insure intimate anode contact and enable electrolytic discharge to occur at the backfill periphery. All Loresco products have a greater than 99% fixed carbon content. This high carbon content, coupled with low resistivity, assures long system performance. Loresco earth contact backfills set the performance standard.

Please click on the product links below for detailed product information.

Types of Loresco Backfill


  • RS.3 is the newest and most innovative super conducting earth contact backfill in the Loresco product line. It is a surface-modified, blended, and sized carbon backfill with surfactants. Rapid sinking ability allows RS3 to achieve maximum compaction quickly for faster construction completion times and faster energizing of the anode system.
  • SC-3® is a premium contact backfill in the Loresco line. A dust-free carbon product, sized and surface modified with wetting agents added. Dramatically lowers system operating resistivity in both surface and deep anode systems by 40%. Recommended for installations requiring highest quality electronic contact between anode and backfill.
  • SC-2® is a dust-free carbon product, sized and surface modified for enhanced performance in impressed current systems. A dense, yet porous contact medium designed to promote long anode life.
  • DW-1® is produced for impressed current surface systems and light duty semi-deep anode systems. High fixed carbon content. Maximum particle size is 1mm with bulk density of 74 lbs per cubic foot.
  • SWK® is designed for use in surface impressed current systems and containerized anodes.
  • SW® is formulated for impressed current surface systems. Particle sizing is between 1 mm to 12 mm.
  • SWS® is formulated for impressed current surface systems. Particle sizing is between 1 mm to 12 mm.
  • FlexFill™ is designed for use around continuous long-line impressed current anodes. It is a dust-free carbon product sized and surface modified for enhanced performance.


Other Loresco Products

  • EnviroCoke IV™ is a conductive carbon grout. It forms a conductive seal which serves as an environmental precaution against interchange flow between water bearing formations in the discharging zones.
  • The AllVent™ Deep Anode Vent System provides 360° venting ability for deep anode shafts. With proper installation, AllVent will vent throughout the life of the deep groundbed.
  • PermaPlug™ provides the cathodic protection industry with a method to plug and seal earth holes. It is environmentally safe and prevents the contamination of underground aquifers from surface fluids.

Pounds of Loresco Backfill Needed to Fill a 12" Deep Hole

4" dia hole 6" dia hole 8" dia hole 10" dia hole
Type SW 54 4.7 10.6 18.8 29.4
Type SWK 70 6.1 13.7 24.4 38.2
Type DW-1 74 6.4 14.3 25.5 39.8
Type SC-2 74 6.4 14.3 25.5 39.8
Type SC-3 74 6.4 14.3 25.5 39.8