M860 by Tapecoat

Tapecoat M860 provides quick and easy repair of cracks in concrete and asphalt surfaces.


Tapecoat M860 provides quick and easy repair of cracks in concrete and asphalt surfaces. This cold-applied, self-adhering tape is effective as a temporary patching material and also offers excellent bonding for repair of the substrate prior to a complete asphalt overlay.

M860 solves maintenance problems in paving material on city streets, highways, and parking structures. This puncture-resistant coating can also protect transducer and sensor wiring from tire damage, prevent pavement deterioration due to deformation in heavy-traffic areas, and provide quick temporary repair to paved surfaces on bridges and airport runways and tarmacs.

M860 retains its ability to bond under pressure at temperatures as low as 0° F, making this coating ideal for, temporary repairs during the cold winter months.


Protection from concrete and asphalt surfaces:

  • Excellent bond to concrete and asphalt surfaces
  • Applies easily in long lengths or short pieces
  • Cold-applied tape with quick release liner
  • Impermeable to water and salt
  • Environment-friendly

Technical Specifications



Tapecoat M860 is a pre-formed, cold-applied coating. The adhesive is manufactured from specially formulated elastomer and resins bonded to a woven highly puncture-resistant polymer.

Technical Data

Color: Black
Shelf life: Rotate stock yearly
Low temp flex: Excellent
Bacteria resistance: Excellent
Thickness: .065” Nominal
Water Vapor Transmission Rate, Permeance: 0.01 perms(grams/sq.ft.hr./in.Hg) Maximum
Tensile Strength 50 lb.in. Minimum
Puncture Resistance (Mesh) 200 lb. Minimum
Pliability-1/4” Mandrel No cracks in mesh or adhesive.180° bend -30°F

Surface Preparation

Tapecoat M860 should be applied over dry pavement that is free of dirt, debris or other foreign matter. Pavement cracks wider than 3/8” should be pre-filled with hot or cold crack material prior to applying Tapecoat M860 to assure longer protection of the crack filling material against surface wear.


If the application is taking place in extreme cold (below 32°F/O°C) a liquid primer will enhance the immediate bond. TC Omniprime is the compatible primer for use with this product.