The CANUSA-CPS Superseal™ sleeve is a high performance heat shrinkable product for sealing pre-insulated pipe joints. It is
The sleeve is made from heavy-duty irradiation crosslinked polyolefin sheets pre-coated with a specially formulated semi-crystalline adhesive. During shrinking, the adhesive is transformed into a low viscosity fluid, and the sleeve shrinking force squeezes adhesive into all surface irregularities, forming a bond to the surface. At the same time, the sleeve conforms tightly to the joint profile. Once cool, the adhesive reverts to its semi- crystalline state forming a tough, permanent bond to the surface of the casing pipe.
The CANUSA-CPS Superseal™ adhesive combines the best properties of a hot melt adhesive with those of a mastic, providing flexibility for relative axial movements between casing and pipe while retaining the CANUSA-CPS Superseal™ firmly in its place. It has been tested and is approved by independent District Heating authorities.
CANUSA-CPS Superseal™ is supplied in bulk as a wraparound sleeve with closure seal (Type WLD) or in CANUSA-CPS patented Wrapid Sleeve™ configuration (KLD). Widths are 150 mm (6"), 225 mm (9"), 450 mm (18"), 610 mm (24"), 650 mm (26"), 760 mm (30") and 860 mm (34").