TC Enviroprime is a formulated wax blend primer designed as a surface conditioner and companion undercoat for the TC Envirocoat and TC Enviroshield Marine coating systems. TC Enviroprime is brown in color. It can be used with all brown color wax coatings.
Used on dry, wet or submerged surfaces as a pre-coat and initial contact coating for pipe or metal structures, TC Enviroprime prepares the substrate with a preferential wetting film displacing any surface moisture and providing TC Envirotape with an environment that will allow it to function to its full design capabilities.
Used for priming:
TC Envirocoat
- TC Envirotape
- TC Riser Jacket
- R- Pipeline Module
TC Enviroshield Marine
- R- Marine Module
- S - Marine Module
- H- Marine Module
Apply TC Enviroprime by hand (use glove) or mechanical means, to a minimum thickness of 4 mils (.004"). This will assure preferential wetting of the surface.
Surface Preparation
Surface should be clean. Remove all loose or non-bonded material, rust scale, dirt, burrs, and sharp edges. Remove excessive moisture whenever practical. Remove marine growth when applicable
TC Enviroprime is a thick blend of petrolatum and microcrystalline wax.
Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC)
- SP-2 Hand Tool Cleaning
- SP-3 Power Tool Cleaning
Swedish Standard (St,Sa)
- St 2 Hand Tool Cleaning
- St 3 Power Tool Cleaning
Standards and Practices
ANSI/AWWA C217-09, AWWA Standard for Petrolatum and Petroleum Wax Tape Coatings for the Exterior of Connections and Fittings for Steel Water Pipelines NACE RP0375-2006, Field-Applied Underground Wax Coating Systems for Underground Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality Control.