Quick Tips

Copper-Copper Sulfate Reference Electrode Maintenance

Copper-Copper Sulfate Reference Electrode Maintenance

Portable copper-copper reference electrodes require maintenance to maintain the integrity of readings taken when using the electrode. 

Maintenance should be done on a periodic basis depending on how often the electrode is used or the conditions in which it is used.  A good rule of thumb for rejuvenating an electrode is when the copper sulfate liquid inside the electrode becomes “milky” as the color should be a very bright blue.


1 year ago

Understanding Cathodic Protection Test Stations

The Purpose of a CP Test Station The main purpose of a cathodic protection (CP) test station is to provide an access point to terminate cables from a buried structure (pipeline) to take electrical measurements or readings on that structure.  Because it is impractical to excavate the structure every time a measurement must be taken, a test station is used to provided electrical access to the structure, via connecting cables, to obtain needed CP data.  In its most basic form, a test station is simply an enclosure (above or at grade) with cable connecting points that allow cables from a buried structure, such as a pipeline, to be terminated.  This electrical access to the structure allows technicians to perform necessary CP tests.  In addition to structure access, a test station can also allow a technician to monitor other CP components such as an anode, a stationary reference electrode, or a CP coupon.
2 years ago

Understanding Cable Splices & Protection Methods

Cable Splicing

Many times when installing cathodic protection systems, there may be a requirement that:  Underground cathodic protection (or anode) cables shall be free of splices.  This means that the specification writer or customer requires that the underground cable be installed in one continuous length and the use of "splices" (to join two individual pieces of cable) is not allowed. There is an opinion that splices are bad or a weak link in the length of cable. This may be true IF the splice is not installed correctly.

3 years ago